Welcome to Oceano Airport (L52), a charming coastal airport owned and operated by the County of San Luis Obispo Department of Airports. Located steps from the Pacific Ocean, L52 offers a unique experience for pilots and visitors alike. From aircraft parking to a pilot-exclusive campground, the airport provides essential facilities and services in a stunning natural setting. Explore the nearby beach, parks, and local businesses while enjoying the convenience of this quaint and well-maintained airport.
Transient tie downs are available for $12.00 a night. To purchase a transient permit, utilize our pay-by-text system by sending “ParkL52” to 727563.
Tenant tie downs are also available for $50.00 a month. Please call (805) 781-5205 for availability.
*Must Fly-In to use campground facilities*
San Luis Obispo County has prepared a Final Environmental Assessment (EA) for the proposed airfield and facility improvements at Oceano Airport (Proposed Action). The Proposed Action includes widening Runway 11-29, widening taxiways, relocating the segmented circle and wind cone, installing taxiway edge lighting, installing hold position signage, installing a new electrical vault and electrical connections, and installing a pollution control facility (wash rack). The Final EA is in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Order 1050.1F, Executive Orders 11988 and 11990, and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Pursuant to FAA Order 1050.1F and Executive Orders 11988 11990, notice is given that the Proposed Action would affect an existing floodplain. Potential impacts and mitigation measures are described in the Final EA. The FAA accepted the Final EA as a federal document and determined a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the proposed development on-Airport property. The Final EA and FONSI are available for public review either by using the link below or to view a hard copy at the San Luis Obispo County Airports Administrative Office, 975 Airport Drive, Suite 1, San Luis Obispo CA 93401.
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